Monthly Market Review – March 2017

IS “A BETTER WAY” BETTER? A Better Way. That is the name of the tax proposal made by the Republican Congress. Their intention, make the IRS code simpler and fairer, and put American taxpayers first. That sounds like a better way. Still, major tax reform is a powerful tool that will determine new winners and […]

Death is No Excuse

Death is No Excuse – Filing For The Deceased The federal government is an equal-opportunity tax assessor. Even the dead can’t escape taxes. The final accounting required of the deceased is not limited to an estate tax filing, but a federal income tax return must also be filed for the year in which the taxpayer […]

Monthly Market Review – February 2017

FINDING A NEW EQUILIBRIUM Present-day US market developments are being described as the Trump trade. After-all, since last year’s presidential election, major stock market indexes went on to make new highs, earning investors approximately 6% on price gains alone. Benchmark treasury yields returned to levels not seen in over two-years. Even the US treasury yield […]

Monthly Market Review – January 2017

Closing 2016 With A Bang! Stock market indexes finished the year with their own display of reworks. Depending on the stock market index, it was likely that a big chunk of its total price gains was made in the last two months of 2016. Conversely, nominal bonds began a cyclical bear market, that sent the […]

Market Review – December 2016

WHAT’S HAPPENING POST ELECTION? First there was Brexit. Then, Donald Trump surpassed the required 270 electoral college votes needed to become the next President-Elect of the United States. Next will be an upcoming election in France, that will likely be between François Fillon, a centre-right republican, and a far-right leader of the National Front, Marine […]

Balancing College and Retirement

  Balancing College and Retirement Are you faced with the dilemma of saving for your own retirement while at the same time trying to put money away for a child’s college education? How do you pursue both goals? How do you determine which is more important or what path to take? If this hard choice sounds familiar, you’re […]

How Elections May Affect The Economy

How Elections May Affect The Economy The 2016 presidential election has been a roller coaster unlike any in recent memory. Amidst the drama, you might be wondering how the outcome will affect the economy and your financial future. You’re not alone. In a recent BankRate poll, 61% of Americans said they think the election is […]

Dollar Cost Averaging

Dollar Cost Averaging Volatility is part and parcel of being a stock investor. Many investors go wrong when they try to outsmart market movements by timing buying and selling. Unfortunately, research has shown that market timing may hurt your portfolio performance over time. Not only do investors tend to sell when prices are down and […]

Four Reasons Millennials Need an Estate Strategy

Four Reasons Millennials Need an Estate Strategy You’re young, have little in savings and likely have no one yet relying on you financially. So why do you need to think about estate management?¹ Here are four great reasons: Estate Strategies: They’re Not Just for the Elderly You need a will. You may ask why a […]

Market Review – August 2016

  WHAT’S HAPPENING POST BREXIT? Now that the Brexit vote—Britain’s vote to leave the European Union (“EU”)—is behind us. It is worth examining the aftermath. At first, investors panicked. Polling data and expert opinions suggested that the vote would fail, so the results were a surprise. As a result, many investors were caught betting on […]