Market Review – July 2015

From Greece to China July opened with the Greek referendum on a proposed bailout package. Syriza, the current ruling party in Greece, campaigned against the proposal and told voters that it was a bad deal. The Greek people agreed and the proposal failed by a sizable margin. That provoked the European negotiators. After the next […]

Questions About Medicare? Here Are Some Answers.

Questions About Medicare? Here Are Some Answers. Medicare is complex and today’s changing health care landscape makes it more important than ever to fully understand how it works. If you or someone you know is near retirement, you may have questions about how to enroll in Medicare and what Medicare covers. Here are answers to […]

Market Review – June 2015

Overseas Opportunities? On the island of Puerto Rico, the governor announced that its $70 billion debts were “not payable.” Despite the small size of the Puerto Rican economy, its bonds are strangely important in the US bond market. They enjoy this status because they are not subject to federal, state, or local taxes. The result […]

8 Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement

8 Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement Pursuing your retirement dreams is challenging enough without making some common, and very avoidable, mistakes. Here are eight big mistakes to steer clear of, if possible. 1. No Strategy: Yes, the biggest mistake is having no strategy at all. Without a strategy, you may have no goals, leaving you […]

Market Review – May 2015

Greece Back in the Spotlight Investors’ fortunes reversed in May. Whereas April saw foreign investments and hard assets posting strong returns and prompted some investors to make significant changes to their portfolios in response, May was driven by the US markets yet again. This strong performance surprised some investors, after several economic data releases were […]

3 Questions To Ask About Your Long-Term Care Needs

3 Questions To Ask About Your Long-Term Care Needs If you’re like many Americans, you might be worried about how to prepare for your own or your loved ones’ long-term healthcare needs. In previous generations, elderly parents and grandparents could count on moving in with relatives when they became unable to live alone. However, today’s […]

Market Review – April 2015

Overseas Opportunities April was difficult for the US economy. Several economic indicators, including gross domestic product (GDP), suggested that the US economy’s recovery may be slowing. While analysts have been predicting a correction in the US stock market, none of this data was significant enough to trigger such a selloff. Instead investors were content to […]

Certain Uncertainties in Retirement

Certain Uncertainties in Retirement The uncertainties we face in retirement can erode our sense of confidence, potentially undermining our outlook during those years. Indeed, according to the 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey by the Employee Benefits Research Institute, only 18% of retirees say they are “very confident” about having enough assets to live comfortably in retirement. […]

Your Changing Definition of Risk in Retirement

Your Changing Definition of Risk in Retirement During your accumulation years, you may have categorized your risk as “conservative,” “moderate” or “aggressive” and that guided how your portfolio was built. Maybe you concerned yourself with finding the “best-performing funds,” even though you knew past performance does not guarantee future results.What occurs with many retirees is […]

Disability and Your Finances

Disability and Your Finances The Social Security Disability Insurance program paid out $140.1 billion in benefits in 2013. And with a rush of new applicants lining up each year, the system is expected to exhaust its reserves some time in 2016 if changes aren’t made.1 Rather than depending on a government program to protect their […]